Monday, May 16, 2011

She went home to feed the horses

Shirley D. Erickson died, this morning, of cardiac arrest.  Her passing was peaceful and she said that she "had lived a good life."  She died at home, knowing that her affairs were in order, that Dog had found a good home, and that all, all was well.


  1. I knew Shirley when she lived her in Dove Creek, and I have a print of one of her paintings proudly hanging in my living room. She was such a kindred spirt. She painted a picture of my Brother-In-Laws pickup while here and it was PERFECT. She was a powerful spirit. My blessings to her family

    Linda Funk
    Dove Creek Press

  2. Thank you, Linda. We have a photo of the red pickup truck and we love the painting, too!

  3. It makes my heart sad to say goodbye to Shirley, but when I think of her "going home to feed the horses" it puts it all in perspective. I will always cherish our moments together

  4. I loved your Mom...she was one of the first people I met out here in Dakota....I bought Johnny Grosskreutz old farm on Y and Dakota Ave...your mom stopped one day and we talked and talked...she had the most beautiful blue eyes...wrinkled face and big turquoise necklace on and Belt to match...we talked about her Arab horses and this old farm..My husband and I later moved to asia as we were a military family and when I moved back your mom stopped and we talked about when she went to France when 9/11 happened....I was in Asia at the time...anyway she was a wonderful person and I always loved her work and stories ...she will be missed! Susan Kuckuk

  5. Your mom was a cherished memory to me. Ah, she had those eyes that would look right through you and the tenacity to care for those two white fellows she dearly loved. We were fast friends and maybe lost loves from a different time. Though I was never able to contact her through the last 7-8 years, she came to my mind and her laughter and smile has been with me always. Always and still...the world is at a loss and doesn't even realize it...
    Mahe, Oyasin...Blackwolf

  6. I have 4 of Shirley's work and was wondering what to insure them for. I want to protect them. My wife and I enjoy them so much our living room decor was based on complimenting them.
    the pictures are small peices appox. 12 x 14
    1-picture of a mocosin 2- powder horn 3- rock with hidden feather on it 4 - black and white feather
    Paul Pulvermacher
